Journal: Future Hotspots?

Forecast 2011: Conflict Hotspots Overview Watershed Year for Pakistan Tajikistan, Preparing for a Long Winter Russia’s North Caucasus, the Terrorism Revival News Articles (302) Publications (864) Primary Resources (25) Links (27) Organizations (25) 23 December 2010 Political hotzones 2011? Where in the world will conflict flare in the new year? This special, expanded edition of …

Reference: Private Military Corporations–A Non-State Actor-Nuclear Terror Nexus?

Private Military Corporations: A Non-State Actor-Nuclear Terror Nexus? Robert L. Brown Temple University August 16, 2010 Abstract: The risk of nuclear terrorism is hyped by some as possible and high consequence (Allison 2006) while others dismiss the strategy as too difficult and too risky for terrorist organizations (Jenkins 2008). However, analysts have no data from …