Berto Jongman: Washington Post Discovers Deep Web — and the World Bank’s Unindexed PDFs — PBI Technical Team Comments

Only fifteen years after Abe Lederman said the same thing at OSS! The solutions to all our problems may be buried in PDFs that nobody reads What if someone had already figured out the answers to the world’s most pressing policy problems, but those solutions were buried deep in a PDF, somewhere nobody will ever …

Mini-Me: US Army DCGS-A Failures — and Palantir Keeps Trying to Over-Sell Its Shallow Pit

Huh? Internal Army Report’s Damning Conclusion on a System Meant to Protect Our Troops Editor’s Note: This is the third part in an investigative series by TheBlaze into how top Army officials failed to provide necessary technology to troops on the battlefield, choosing to promote their own flawed software instead. Read part one and part …

Yoda: Exascale by 2020? No Way, Jose! Four Socko Graphics and Bottom Line Upfront — Human Brain Still a Million Times More Power Efficient

Mind-shift, must have. Supercomputing director bets $2,000 that we won’t have exascale computing by 2020 Joel Hruska ExtremeTech, 17 May 2013 Over the past year, we’ve covered a number of the challenges facing the supercomputing industry in its efforts to hit exascale compute levels by the end of the decade. The problem has been widely …

Reflections: Appraisal of Analytic Foundations – Email Provided, Feedback Solicited – UPDATED

SHORT URL: I was thinking this morning about how little has changed since I was a founding member of the Advanced Information Processing and Analysis Steering Group (AIPASG) and also a member of the Information Handling Committee (IHC) for the US secret world (late 1980’s early 1990’s). I note in passing my continued dismay …

Stephen E. Arnold: IBM PR in Overdrive — IBM Substance Completely Lacking

Watson and Shopping: No Service, Just an Assertion I read “Make IBM’s Watson Your Personal Shopping Assistant.” IBM wants to leapfrog,, and the aging, among other shopping services. Now quite a few people have embraced Amazon’s flawed, yet popular, recommendations service. I am trying to remember when I first noticed this somewhat …

Yoda: Hypertemporal Multispectral Imaging & Intelligence

Fun this is. Hypertemporal imaging: the next Big Challenge for high-performance embedded computing By John Keller, Editor Military & Aerospace Electronics, 1 April 2014 It might be a fun exercise to sit with the leading practitioners of high-performance embedded computing (HPEC) to trade opinions about what are the toughest, gnarliest, most knee-buckling HPEC challenges in …