Berto Jongman: Admrial James Stavrides Expands on “Open Source Security”

Globalization Creates a New Worry: Enemy Convergence By THOM SHANKER New York Times, 30 May 2013 WASHINGTON — Adm. James G. Stavridis, who stepped down this month as NATO’s supreme commander, has been at war in two wars — overseeing the alliance’s role in the enduring mission in Afghanistan as well as the shorter combat …

Berto Jongman: NSA “Tailored Access Operations” (TAO) — Focus on the 2% at Great Expense While Ignoring the 98% Open Access World 2.0 Refs Added

How the U.S. Government Hacks the World Michael Riley BloombergBusinessWeek, 23 May 2013 EXTRACT: The men and women who hack for the NSA belong to a secretive unit known as Tailored Access Operations. It gathers vast amounts of intelligence on terrorist financial networks, international money-laundering and drug operations, the readiness of foreign militaries, even the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Software in Health — The Tsunami Rises

List of New Open Source EHR Software Solutions The innovative community of open source software developers have created many new applications in a variety of fields, but a recent Datamation article narrows in on one field in particular — health care. “50 Open Source Replacements for Health Care Software” shares a rundown on all fifty …

Stephen E. Arnold: Principles of Open Source and Social Media Align

Principles of Open Source and Social Media Align One of the newest major paths of technology, social media, owes much to a well-established model, open source. Giovanni Rodriguez draws many similarities between the two technologies (and ways of thinking) in his article for Forbes, “What Social Media (And the World) Owes to Open Source.” Rodriguez …

Berto Jongman: NDU Book Online on Illicit Networks – Forward by Admiral James “Open Source Security” Stavrides

The Center for Complex Operations (CCO) has produced this edited volume, Convergence: Illicit Networks and National Security in the Age of Globalization, that delves deeply into everything mentioned above and more. In a time when the threat is growing, this is a timely effort. CCO has gathered an impressive cadre of authors to illuminate the …

2013 Robert Steele in HighGainBlog on Open and Secret Intelligence

Robert Steele Discusses Open Source and Secret Intelligence HighGainBlog, 4 April 2013 Robert Steele has been a prescient thinker in the fields of search and content processing for decades. Best known for his work in open source intelligence, Mr. Steele has published widely on what I call  “politico-info issues.” One April 2, 2013 Mr. Steele …