Berto Jongman: Social Media Mandarins – We Fucked Up! Autonomous Internet Against #GoogleGestapo Anyone?

The Internet’s Original Sin It’s not too late to ditch the ad-based business model and build a better web. At the end of the day, the business model that got us funded was advertising. The model that got us acquired was analyzing users’ personal homepages so we could better target ads to them. Along the …

Mongoose: Could FISA Memo Destroy Mueller Probe? UPDATE: Bill Binney Points to FISA Court Order Online

GOP Congressmen: FISA Memo Would Destroy Mueller Probe if Made Public The memo details systemic and routine abuses of FISA — leading many in the House to condemn those abuses and say that the memo should be made available to the public. There are also indications that the memo would destroy both the probe of …

Berto Jongman: Insights into Facebook Content Moderation – #GoogleGestapo Failing with Extreme Content

Three months in hell by Burcu Gültekin Punsmann    What I learned from three months of Content Moderation for Facebook in Berlin At the end of the ramp-up process, a moderator should handle approximately 1300 reports every day which let him/her in average only a few seconds to reach a decision for each report. The …

Steve Zarpas: Protest License Plate Guard Against Cameras

Protest License Plate-Guard Stand up to the deep state. Reclaim your dignity and privacy. The Protest License Plate-Guard is a filter designed to be mounted on top of your existing license plates to prevent the tracking of your car via your license plates. From a driver’s perspective, it is easy to read the normal numbers. …