Reference: Obama & Wall Street–Bloomberg Next?

In my last Counterpunch essay, “How Obama’s Initial Personnel Decisions Hardwired the Wipeout” I organized my argument around verbiage describing how Obama “fatal move” to the middle,” leaving the misleading impression that his connection to the middle occurred after the election.  This was sloppy wording and in retrospect it is clear to me that impression …

Hyperlink-Notes on the Future of Education (and the future is now) from Bits to Bots

There are differences between “learning” and “education,” but hopefully more people can be inspired to blur the two further than we currently see happening. Open Courseware, Audio and Video: Open Courseware Consortium M.I.T. Open Courseware M.I.T. open courseware YouTube channel List of courses by subject (May 2007) The University of Chicago on iTunes U, University …

Review: The Genius of the Beast–A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism

Deep Look at Soul of Man, Society, and Capitalism November 1, 2009 Howard Bloom I received this book in pre-publication form so as to offer a blurb for the jacket. Below is my take on this book.This book will simultaneously tease your brain, arouse your emotions, and motivate you as it probes deeply into the …