SPECIAL: Wikileaks Vault 7 CIA Cyber Dabbling — and False Flag Cyber Attacks Blamed on Russia UPDATE 2

Leaked CIA Document: CIA Uses “False Flag” Cyberattacks to Blame Russian Hackers WikiLeaks Press Release on CIA Vault 7 8,761 Items Since 2001 the CIA has gained political and budgetary preeminence over the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). The CIA found itself building not just its now infamous drone fleet, but a very different type …

Robert Parry: “Russia-Gate” Is Politics — Dangerous, Myopic, Dysfunctional Politics + Thomas Friedman as a Liar and Agent of a Foreign Power

The Politics Behind ‘Russia-gate’ The hysteria over “Russia-gate” continues to grow – as President Trump’s enemies circle – but at its core there may be no there there while it risks pushing the world toward nuclear annihilation. Official Washington’s Russia hysteria has reached such proportions that New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman has even …

Antechnus: Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Ministery, Nails It — Post-Western World Order Is Emergent

The hijacking of the Munich Security Conference History teaches us this – every time a System collapses, its leaders do not realise the truth until they are swept away by the storm. So the political representatives of the European Union, meeting just like every year in Munich for their Security Conference, were shocked to hear …

SPECIAL: Bryan Dean Wright: Spies Out of Control — CIA More Dangerous to Republic Than Russia or Iran

I’m a Democrat (and ex-CIA) but the spies plotting against Trump are out of control Bryan Dean Wright Over the past few months, America has lurched from partisan warfare to the cliffs of an existential crisis. Multiple reports show that my former colleagues in the intelligence community have decided that they must leak or withhold …

Mongoose: 9/11 – Gold War Against Russia, Buzzy Krongard, Brown & Root, Bush Crime Family, Dick Cheney, and More..

The evidence is now conclusive that Buzzy Krongard was the lead project manager for the Gold War against Russia, with the complicity of CIA under George Tenet. The futures trading against the companies hurt by 9/11 has been conclusively traced to Brown & Root. It is now clear that the Bush Crime Family, from their …