Robert Steele: Flynn Deserved to Be Fired, But Not for Talking to Russians UPDATE: Pedophilia Aspect

UPDATE: It is now known that the Vice President joined in the chorus to fire Mike Flynn after he learned that Flynn kept from the Vice President the fact that a list of high-level pedophiles in the USA, obtained from Amsterdam, included a close personal friend of the Vice President’s, and this was discussed with …

Berto Jongman: Treason in Russia — US Cyber Connection…

Treason Through the FSB Looking Glass Why ‘espionage’ arrests at the heart of Russia’s security services are not all that they seem Is espionage or bureaucratic politics behind the leak of news about the arrests of a number of Russian computer security specialists? As often the case in Russia, the story is murky; it is …

Antchinus: Full Report on How US Gave Nazis Safe Haven After WWII — Mandatory Context for Understanding US – Russia Relations

Secret Justice Department Report Details How the U.S. Helped Former Nazis A secret history of the United States government’s Nazi-hunting operation concludes that American intelligence officials created a “safe haven” in the United States for Nazis and their collaborators after World War II, and it details decades of clashes, often hidden, with other nations over …

Robert Steele: The Soft Coup Collapses – Blackmail Revealed – What Next? CIA was bluffing, produced no evidence – Russians did not “hack” the election. Is this the beginning of the end of the Deep State in the USA? Can Trump clean house & wage peace? (Trump Revolution 06)

The Soft Coup Collapses – Blackmail Revealed – What Next? CIA was bluffing, produced no evidence – Russians did not “hack” the election. Is this the beginning of the end of the Deep State in the USA? Can Trump clean house & wage peace? Aided by enormous restraint on the part of Vladimir Putin, President …