Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Mind Control Through Book Control

Why Analyzing Amazon EBook Reading Lists Is Useful An intriguing study in machine-learning models suggests human language behaviors may be more affected by what we read than previously thought. Neuroscience News tells us “What 26,000 Books Reveal When it Comes to Learning Language.” Brendan T. Johns, an assistant professor at the University at Buffalo, and …

Stephen E. Arnold: Procurement Bias Favors Microsoft over Amazon?

Procurement Bias Alleged in Amazon Microsoft Procurement Competition DarkCyber noted “Trump Ordered Mattis to “Screw Amazon” Out of Pentagon Contract, Book Alleges.” If the allegation is accurate, the Federal procurement process is not above influence. If the allegations are not accurate, firing people who get quoted may be a bad idea. Maybe both statements are …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Struggling with Complexity?

Amazon: Specialist in Complexity The word “complexification” is tailor made for Amazon. A couple of examples might be helpful, right? Third party sellers provide expired food. Something’s wrong it seems. Complexification of the vendor vetting, product vetting, and warehouse vetting processes might be a reason. (I am setting aside “profit at all costs” because who …

Stephen E. Arnold: Deep Investigation of FANG / #GoogleGestapo / BigTech Begins to Ramp Up….

Certain Tech Giants Under Scrutiny for Potential Anti-Competitive Practices Apparently, the feds have been asking Oracle for dirt on their rival. The Register reports, “Oracle: Yeah, We’ve Had a Bunch of G-Men Come Sniffing Around Asking Questions About Google.” Writer John Oates reveals: . . . This news comes amid a push by the DOJ, …

Stephen E. Arnold: The Roots of Common Machine Learning Errors (Which Can Have Catastrophic Consequences)

The Roots of Common Machine Learning Errors It is a big problem when faulty data analysis underpins big decisions or public opinion, and it is happening more often in the age of big data. Data Science Central outlines several “Common Errors in Machine Learning Due to Poor Statistics Knowledge.” Easy to make mistakes? Yep. Easy …

Stephen E. Arnold: Is It Time to Terminate Microsoft?

Phi Beta Iota editor created above title.  Below is original title and an extract. Talking Down: A Specialty of High-Tech? What problems? First, Microsoft has warned 800 million users to install a specific patch in order to avoid terminating with extreme prejudice one’s computer. You can get ore information from the capitalist tool here. Will …