Berto Jongman: Israeli spyware-maker NSO PBI: Using Software Stolen from NSA by Zionists, Now Commercializing That Same Software

CEO of Israeli spyware-maker NSO on fighting terror, Khashoggi murder, and Saudi Arabia An Israeli company licenses software around the world that can crack just about any smartphone, but is its use always on the side of good? Phi Beta Iota: We understand from extremely reputable sources  that the software NSO is commercializing was stolen …

The Saker: Zionist Racism — Understanding Anti-Semitism

A Crash Course on the True Causes of “Anti-Semitism” This kind of religious racism is mostly taught in Orthodox Yeshivas and, of course, in various Haredi institutions in Israel. For these ignorant Jews any such explanations of the causes of antisemitism in world history are not only offensive (blaming the victim) but also completely unfair …

Robert Steele: French & Belgian Governments Plotting False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria’s Idlib — Zionists Pressuring Trump?

French, Belgian intelligence are plotting false flag chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib – Moscow The secret services of France and Belgium are plotting to stage a false flag chemical attack in Syria to frame Moscow, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Agents of the two countries are cooperating with terrorist leaders in Idlib. Militants, occupying large …