Ed Jewett: How the Zionists Created a State of Submissive Anomie with Hollywood, Television, Mass Media, and Now #GoogleGestapo (Social Media Controlled by the Anti-Defamation League)

Barbara Honegger, one of the other 26 people who were brought together to create Memoranda for the President: 9/11 Truth, attended a Reagan-era Cabinet meeting at which CIA Director William Casey said ”We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”.

Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia: New Zealand False Flag Event – Zionist Provocation to Disarm US White Nationalists and Start World War III?

New Zealand False Flag Event Zionist Provocation to Disarm US White Nationalists and Start World War III? by Javad Heirannia Tehran Times, 19 March 2019 [may be republished anywhere at will] Q. You are well known as a former spy, and you have also said many times on the public record that you managed a …

Paul Craig Roberts: Power of Israel Lobby Unrivaled – Ultimate Goal: Police States, Criminalization of Criticism of Zionist Genocidal Apartheid State of Israel, and Full Censorship

The Power of the Israel Lobby Is Unrivaled Zionists openly brag about the power of the Israel Lobby, but others who mention the lobby’s power are branded as anti-Semites. We are supposed to accept the lobby’s power but never complain about it. . . . Once the Israel Lobby succeeds in its global campaign to …

Gordon Duff: New Zealand False Flag by Zionist Israel with Police & Freemason Complicity UPDATE 10: Christchurch, the Former Islamic Minister: “Mossad Behind Shootings”

SHORT URL:  http://tinyurl.com/NZ-FalseFlag Intel Drop: Shooting Real, Shooter Fake, Jewish Born Freemason like Brevik All done, according to the “manifesto” in the name of “Donald Trump” and, if one were to read between the lines, the now pseudo-legally designated “Jewish Only” State of Israel odd modifications, no flash suppressor, strange stock, none of which is …

Mongoose: Pompeo, Bolton Are Traitors, Derailing North Korea Nuclear Talks on Orders from Zionist Genocidal Apartheid Israel, ENOUGH

These two individuals should be fired and their clearances stripped. They are both agents of a foreign power, Zionist genocidal apartheid Israel. Pompeo, Bolton deny derailing North Korea nuclear talks after regime threatens to restart nuclear, missile testing Phi Beta Iota: We join all who pray for our President in his  time of trial. May …

Robert Steele: Is Pierre Omidyar #GoogleGestapo 2.0 with Zionist Agenda, Still Neo-Liberal and Anti-Trump?

Pierre Omidyar’s Influence Empire MintPress 18 Feb – by Alexander Rubinstein and Max Blumenthal Part I:  How One of America’s Premier Data Monarchs is Funding a Global Information War and Shaping the Media Landscape (18 February 2019) Through his purchase of influence over the daily flow of information to American media consumers, a dizzying array of …