Chuck Spinney: Toxic Alliance – Neo-Cons and “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) War-mongers

This email continues the theme I introduced with How Obama’s Rhetoric Reinforces America’s Grand Strategic Pathway to Catastrophe. Attached beneath my introduction is an brilliant essay, The Dangerous Neocon-R2P Alliance, written by Robert Parry of Consortium News.  Parry describes how propaganda produced by this domestic alliance of convenience among a non-representative minority of unelected influence peddlers …

Berto Jongman: Malaysian Airlines “Rothschild Chip” Could Power Nano-Drones for Good or Evil

MH370: How Fatal is the Chip That Rothschild Reportedly ‘Acquired’? EXTRACT How destructible could this chip be? In a detailed report from Malaysia Chronicle dated April 8, it said that Freescale launched what could be the world’s smallest microcontroller in Feb 2013 called the Kinesis KL02. KL02 measures 1.9 mm by 2mm and contains RAM, …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Religion & the Politics of Religion

This is a NEW list selected from this Category: Religion & Politics of Religion (131). Books rated at 6 Stars are in bold. Guest Reviews Review (Guest): Animal Farm–An American Story (George Orwell) Review (Guest): A Tactical Ethic–Moral Conduct in the Insurgent Battlespace (Dick Couch) Review (Guest): Buddhism without Beliefs (Craig K. Comstock) Review (Guest): …

Review (Guest): Final Judgment – The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy

Michael Collins Piper The Truth has its Own resonance By Herbert L Calhoun on March 10, 2003 As one who has read over 200 books on the JFK Assassination, and engaged in research both as an individual and as part of various teams, I can say without fear of contradiction that Piper’s book is now …

Andy Piascik: Sanctions? How About Sanctions Against the United States?

Sanctions? How About Sanctions Against the United States? By Andy Piascik ZNet, March 21, 2014 As the United States imposes sanctions on Russia and moves to do likewise to Venezuela, it’s essential to keep in mind which country it is that’s the most destructive and dangerous in the world today. When such questions have been …

Owl: Malaysian Airlines Redux — From Holistic Analysis of Covert Possibilities to Rothschild Patent Play to Alien Abdjuction…

This presents an analysis from various geopolitical, military, and intelligence angles, and very confidently posits the Indian Ocean base Diego Garcia as the final location of flight 370. The author also provides arguments for claiming the jet was remotely hijacked and driven to the base. Is MH370 The Latest Casualty Of The Pentagon’s Pivot To …