Journal: Director of National Intelligence Alleges….

Strengthening Our Nation’s Front Line Of Defense By Dennis C. Blair Friday, December 18, 2009 Phi Beta Iota:  This is a seriously misleading article, our comments are provided after each paragraph. The legislation authorizing post-Sept. 11 intelligence reform — the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 — was signed into law five years …

Review: Guiding Principles for Stabilization and Reconstruction (Paperback)

Utterly Brilliant Synthesis, Vital First Step–US Violates Every Single Principle December 18, 2009 United States Institute of Peace This book is a six-star special and will be so rated at Phi Beta Iota, the Public Intelligence Blog, where I cluster like non-fictions books in 98 categories, one of which is Stabilization & Reconstruction. At its …

Journal: Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones

Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones $26 Software Is Used to Breach Key Weapons in Iraq; Iranian Backing Suspected WASHINGTON — Militants in Iraq have used $26 off-the-shelf software to intercept live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones, potentially providing them with information they need to evade or monitor U.S. military operations. Senior defense and intelligence officials …

Event Report: 12 Dec 09 Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader et al

Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader, and a number of others gathered today across the White House, seeking to protest the decision to “surge” in Afghanistan. As best we couild tell, this did not make the news in any serious way. Protesters at White House Oppose Afghanistan War Many say they are disappointed with the president and …

Search: Multinational Engagement (Intelligence)

The Oxymoronic Concept of ‘NATO Intelligence’ In 2008, a FOIA request resulted in the release of a (redacted) version of a 1984 CIA article: NATO Intelligence: A Contradiction in Terms. The report is pretty scathing: “Since its inception, NATO has essentially opted out of the intelligence business. The command structure is almost totally innocent of any …