2003 Stephen E. Arnold (US) One Machine…One View

PLATINUM Arnold, Mr. Stephen E. Arnold For his constant demonstration of the utility of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in the understanding of social networks, emerging technologies, and cultural realities.  As a world-renowned authority on information and communications, with a deep understanding of the public policy value of open source information, he has made himself available …

2003 Cammaert (NL) Reflections on Peace Intelligence with the Military Advisor to the Secretary General of the United Nations

The Netherlands, MajGen Patrick Cammaert, Royal Marines IOP ’06.  MajGen Cammaert is recognized for his extraordinarily diplomatic and diligent furtherance of common sense and understanding at the highest levels of United Nations leadership, with respect to both the generic value of the process of intelligence to peacekeeping and conflict avoidance, and the specific value of open …

2003 Davis (US) Analytic Paradoxes: Can Open Source Intelligence Help?

PLATINUM Jack Davis, De Facto Dean of the U.S. Intelligence Analytic Corps For over three decades, Jack Davis has been the heir to Sherman Kent and the mentor to all those who would strive to be the world’s most effective all-source intelligence analysts.  As a Central Intelligence Agency analyst and educator, he combines intellect, integrity, …

2003 Edwards (UK) Open Source Intelligence Gathering Within the UK Police National Intelligence Model (NIM)

PLATINUM LIFETIME AWARD Detective Steve Edwards, MBE, UK Detective Steve Edwards, Member of the British Empire, has been the foremost law enforcement pioneer in the field of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), and it is with heartfelt admiration that we applaud his recent recognition by the Queen of England.  His gentle, self-effacing, sober appreciation of the …

2003 Fyffe (CA) Intelligence Sharing and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Greg Fyffe retired before his contributioins could be properly acknowledged.  He  excelled at understanding the value of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in meeting political decision-support needs that must of necessity be discussed with and explained to parties outside the government.  He also excelled at seeing the role that OSINT could play in facilitating what the …

2003 Hock (US) The Open-ness of the Open Internet

PLATINUM LIFETIME AWARD, Dr. Ran Hock Dr. Ran Hock has done more than any single individual to educate both government and private sector parties with respect to the value of the deep web.  He has single-handedly trained hundreds of individuals in the nuances of this major new intelligence resource base.  Emphasizing individual analytic skills and …