Penguin: Israel Lobbyist Suggests False Flag Attack Needed to Get USA Into War with Iran

YouTube, 1:54, absolutely worth watching! Today’s nominee for the Larry Silverstein Award for Chutzpah Beyond the Call of Duty: Israel lobbyist Patrick Clawson, who is openly calling for the mass murder of Americans, along the lines of the USS Maine, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, USS Liberty, and (by implication) 9/11 orchestrated war-trigger events. Tip of the …

Penguin: Global Covert Campaign to Undermine Obama – Who, Exactly, Is Doing What?

Am in Europe where this was brought to my attention.  I don’t know what to think of this.   My local government counterparts are  quite certain that this anti-Islam film was a deliberate and orchestrated affair. We live in a very dangerous time. I hope people will take the right decisions. EDIT:  One of my counterparts …

Chuck Spinney: America, the Muslims, and a Video That Went from Zero to Mach 2 – Origin of the Video Known, Who Took It Into Arabia and Africa Not Known

Below is an outstanding essay on an unfolding issue of great importance. Chuck Spinney WEEKEND EDITION SEPTEMBER 14-16, 2012 The Reality Behind the “Free Speech” Argument America and the Muslims by ESAM AL-AMIN, Counterpunch Thousands of angry Muslims demonstrated in front of American embassies and consulates in Egypt and Libya because of a newly released …

Mini-Me: Breaking — Israel Behind Libyan and Egyptian Mobs & Death of US Ambassador, 2 Marines, and 1 Other? CIA Asset Terry Jones, Romney Funders?

Huh? Embassy Killings in Libya, the Stench of CIA/Mossad “False Flag” Real Intelligence Reports at Total Odds with Reported News Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today, 13 September 2012 ———- Investigations by me, published yesterday on Press TV’s website, cited “Reverand” and “Doctor” Terry Jones as the source of the videos cited for instigating violence …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan Flags Going Islamic – Pakistan as Islamic Israel

Pakistan: A Pakistani military court convicted five military officers, including Brigadier Ali Khan, for maintaining links to a banned organization. The Brigadier is the most senior of the five and received a sentence of five years in prison. The others received sentences of 18 months to three years. The army did not name the banned …

NIGHTWATCH: General Flynn’s First Big Decision – Warning is Back at DIA – With Three Specific Suggestions from Robert Steele

General Mike Flynn’s First Big Decision Introduction to Strategic Intelligence Warning. DIA has announced that reconstitution of Indications and Warning is a key component of its five year plan. Warning failures associated with the Arab Spring were cited as prompting this rediscovery of old truths. Bravo to DIA for remembering that warning is the foundation …