1993 The Intelligence Community as a New Market

As presented to the National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services in Washington, D.C. EXTRACT The Intelligence Community Was Built To Do Soviet Secrets The reality is that the intelligence community, in its designs and methods, its collection and production management decisions, and its resource allocations, has been so totally structured for a single mission, …

Robert Steele: Welcoming Remarks to OSS ’92

Steele, Robert. “Welcoming Remarks by Robert D. Steele, Host: Consumer Needs, Data Changes, Technology Changes, Organizational Changes, Future Vision & Issues,” McLean, VA: First International Symposium on National Security & National Competitiveness, Open Source Solutions, December 1, 1992. Full Text Below the Fold

1989 General Al Gray with Robert Steele on Global Intelligence Challenges

General Gray was known as a warrior, but he was also an intelligence professional and uniquely among all the flag officers I have ever known, an inspiring educator.  He created not just the Marine Corps Intelligence Center, but the Marine Corps University, new forms of informal research to empower younger officers and explore the “edges” …