INTERVIEW: PBS Frontline with Robert Steele on Hackers

PBS FRONTLINE Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of Open Source Solutions, Inc. (OSS) he has twenty years of experience in national and defense intelligence, including clandestine, covert action and technical collection, and managing an offensive counterintelligence program. He was the senior civilian responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Center. He participated in the …

2000 Presidential Leadership and National Security Policy Making

Chapter 12, “Presidential Leadership and National Security Policy Making,” pp. 245-282. PDF (38 Pages): Chapter 12 Presidential Leadership Background The Ninth Annual Strategy Conference, held at the U.S. Army War College in 1998, addressed the theme of “Challenging the United States Symmetrically and Asymmetrically: Can America be Defeated?” In the course of that event, a …

1999 Muddy Waters, Rusting Buckets: A Skeptical Assessment of U.S. Naval Effectiveness in the 21st Century

Muddy Waters, Rusting Buckets: A Skeptical Assessment of U.S Naval Effectiveness in the 21st Century by Robert D Steele Neither the U.S. Navy nor the U.S. Marine Corps are ready for the 21st Century. The current plan for a 320-ship Navy not only leaves America without sustainable power projection, but also makes no provision for …