Jean Lievens: Social Media and Culture — We Are All Digital Immigrants

We Are All Digital Immigrants Does technological progress change the human condition? Techno-sociologist Zeynep Tufekci took the time to speak with Martin Eiermann about the rise of Al Jazeera, accelerating change and the conventions of online interaction. Zeynep Tufekci is an American sociologist, assistant professor at the University of North Carolina and a fellow at …

Jean Lievens: Open Tech Challenges Proprietary, Relocalizes Manufacturing, Addresses Poverty

Open Tech Forever Challenges Proprietary Innovation Open source hardware could be a revolutionary tool for unlocking our shackles to profit motivated, proprietary innovation. It has a vision to alleviate poverty through empowering decentralized and affordable, small scale production. Participants anywhere in the world can use the internet to access, improve, or adapt designs for local …

Marcus Aurelius: Manifesto on Behalf of the Second Amendment

Provided by a retired Marine colonel and apparently written by a former Servicemember and/or law enforcement officer, following is among  very best articles on Second Amendment issue that I’ve ever read.)  Snell: Waking the dragon — How Feinstein fiddled while America burned By Barry Snell, | Posted: Friday, May 3, 2013 12:00 am Along with …

Berto Jongman: Connected Generation, Changing Norms, Big Banks, Privacy and Big Data

The connected generation ‘Millennials’ are leveraging their tech savvy for social change and economic opportunity. How social network policies are changing speech and privacy norms Is the proprietary nature of online speech poised to change cultural norms? Big Banks are Victims of Their Own Success The biggest banks have done an excellent job of delaying …

Review (Guest): Surveillance or Security?: The Risks Posed by New Wiretapping Technologies

Susan Landau 5.0 out of 5 stars Definitive text on the topic July 8, 2011 Ben Rothke Surveillance or Security?: The Risks Posed by New Wiretapping Technologies is a hard book to categorize. It is not about security, but it deals extensively with it. It is not a law book, but legal topics are pervasive …

SchwartzReport: US Infrastructure Sucks & Rise of Democratic Big Data

Our spending practices, as a country, are completely upside down. We spend endless billions on war instead of what it will take to keep the U.S. functioning as a country, as this report makes clear. Think about what is being said here, just in reference to your own area. Our Infrastructure Isn’t Ready for Climate …