Launching a Search [Eyes] and Rescue [Payload] Challenge for [Mini] Drone / UAV Pilots

Launching a Search and Rescue Challenge for Drone / UAV Pilots My colleague Timothy Reuter (of AidDroids fame) kindly invited me to co-organize the Drone/UAV Search and Rescue Challenge for the DC Drone User Group. The challenge will take place on May 17th near Marshall in Virginia. The rules for the competition are based on the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Is Yesterday: Apps, Not Search, the Future – Comment by Robert Steele

Google Is Yesterday: Apps, Not Search, the Future I read “Google Searches for role in App Age.” This is a for fee item, so you will need to pony up money or buy a copy of the dead tree edition of the March 10, 2014, Wall Street Journal. If you have a WSJ account, here’s …

Stephen E. Arnold: CyberTap (Engineering Centric) Kicks the Crap Out of “Advanced” Search (Sales Centric)

THE HONK (Email Subscription) As I was working through updates to the search vendor profiles on, I ran across a reference to Cybertap LLC. The company’s name rang a bell. I recalled an interview one of the goslings conducted with its founder in 2012. The point that caught my attention last week was a …

Stephen E. Arnold: Elasticsearch Insights — and IDC Steals Arnold Report Costing $4, Sells for $3500

Elasticsearch Disrupts Open Source Search I did a series of reports about open source search. Some of these were published under mysterious circumstances by that leader of the azure chip consultants, IDC. You can see the $3,500 per report offers on the IDC site. Hey, I am not getting the money, but that’s what some …