Stephen E. Arnold: Imagine the Internet Without Search Engines — or Google — or IBM

PART I Imagine the Internet without Search Engines Centrifuge Systems proposes an interesting idea in “Big Data Discovery Without Link Analysis Is Like The Web Without Google.” Centrifuge Systems asks readers of the short article to imagine using the Internet without a search engine. How would we locate information? It would be similar to the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Search Big Data Flim-Flam – And One Open Source Search of Compressed Files with SQL (RainStor)

Search and Big Data: Been There, Done That Is the use of search to find information in large collections of content revolutionary? Er, no. What about using search to locate an Internet Protocol address in a repository of monitored email traffic? Er, no. With the chatter on LinkedIn and the vacuous news releases from some …

Mary Ellen Bates: Super Searcher Tips & Tools

Mary Ellen Bates, perhaps American’s #1 Super-Searcher still active, provides an up to the minute 27 slide briefing packs with tips and tools offering new approaches and new resources for any web researcher. Super Searcher Tips – Computers in Libraries from Mary Ellen Bates

Berto Jongman: Aaron Moritz on Rethinking Access to Research

We Need to Rethink Access to Scientific Research Aaron Moritz One of humanity’s greatest technological triumphs is today’s potential for widespread and unrestricted access to all of our collected knowledge. As we march towards this noble goal, there is something crucial we need to talk about. That is, some of the most vital information we …

Stephen E. Arnold: Elasticsearch: 70:30 Odds as the Next Big Thing in Search — and Open Source Tool to Boot

Elasticsearch: 70:30 Odds as the Next Big Thing in Search We learned on March 26, 2014  suggesting that the German search vendor Intrafind has been looking for the next big thing. The company may have found it, and we expect that this low profile vendor will be plugging into the Elasticsearch power cable. Wikipedia already …

Robin Good: Find, Research, Cite, Link and Curate with the Excellent Google Research Tool

Find, Research, Cite, Link and Curate with the Excellent Google Research Tool Google Research is a little-known sidebar available inside Google Drive documents and presentations which allows you to do just-in-time Google searches and to easily curate relevant results, including images, videos, text excerpts, links with full automatic attribution references, into the document or presentation …