Sepp Hasslberger: German Renewable Energy Success Drops European Energy Prices … Again

The Germans are serious about getting off the fossil fuel addiction. They are showing the world that renewable energy can be done… Electricity Prices Fall In Europe As German Renewable Energy Increases From – May 21, 3:11 AM For the fifth consecutive month, electricity prices in have decreased in Western Europe, due in part …

Sepp Hasslberger: IndieBox Open Source Hardware Lets You Take Your Data Back from Google and Do CISCO-Like Rule-Making Without CISCO

We are finally seeing the de-centralized internet coming together.  Lots of people are working on this, both on software and hardware (like this computer/personal server) to make it a reality. Out in the Open: The Tiny Box That Lets You Take Your Data Back From Google | Enterprise | WIRED From – May 14, …

Sepp Hasslberger: Daniel Nocera Achieves Holy Grail of Energy Research — a Silicon Leaf that Splits Water

Simple and efficient – producing hydrogen and oxygen from water by use of light and catalysts. They say electricity is cheap and no one wants the new technology, so Nocera is setting his sights on the developing world… The artificial leaf that could power the world Cambridge, MA (CNN) — As Daniel Nocera gazed down …

Sepp Hasslberger: How a Dutch team of architects is 3D-printing a full-sized house in Amsterdam (video 4 min)

3D printing is growing up! How a Dutch team of architects is 3D-printing a full-sized house in Amsterdam (video 4 min) Architects in Amsterdam have started building what they say is one of the world’s first full-sized 3D-printed houses. The structure is being built using a plastic heavily based on plant oil. The team behind …