1998 Hughes (US) Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) 1995-1998: Transition and Transformation

The presentation by Kenneth Hughes of the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) is historic in large part because it is the single instance of FBIS taking the rest of the world seriously.  In its new incarnation it deals with 11 countries and ignores the other 79 known to have Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) capabilities.  Mr. …

1998 Mti (ZA) Open Source Intelligence, the African Renaissance, and Sustainable Development: the Emerging National Intelligence Model for South Africa

When Nelson Mandela achieved the end of aparthied and the virtual reunification of South Africa, the best and the brightest from the African National Congress (ANC) went into the intelligence field.  Today (2009) the President of Souith Africa, “JZ” Zuma, is himself the former director of intelligence for the ANC when it was in the …

1998 Schlickmann (DE) Ensuring Trust and Security in Electronic Communication

We would never have gotten a Commissioner from the European Union without the help of Madame Judge Danielle Cailloux, investigative judge and lead oversight entrepreneur for the Belgian intelligence community.  Many do not realize that information is like a work of art, and its provenance and security are vital to its INTEGRITY.   Europe has been …

1998 Open Source Intelligence: Private Sector Capabiltiies to Support DoD Policy, Acquisition, and Operations

The below reference and article was drafted by Robert Steele with some editorial assistance from Mark Lowenthal, who was briefly an employee of OSS before jumping to SRA International.  The article draws on the experience of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center (MCIC) that was established by General Al Gray, USMC, then Commandant of the Marine …