1998 Cailloux (BE) Belgian Intelligence Oversight and Strategic Opportunities for Change

Madame Danielle Cailloux, Comite Permanent de Controle des Services de Renseignements, Belgium EuroIntel ’98: Madame Judge Danielle Cailloux, Member of the Comite Permanent de Controle des Services de Renseignements, for her leadership in introducing open source intelligence into Belgian legislation on intelligence reform, and promulgating understanding of open sources of intelligence among senior leaders in …

1998 Cucuzza (IT) Globalization Consequences and Risk (Crime, Law Enforcement, and Open Sources of Information)

EuroIntel ’98: Servizio Centrale di Investigazione sulla Criminalità Organizzata (SCICO) della Guardia di Finanza, for its emerging commitment to the use of open sources in the war on organized crime. General Osvaldo Cucuzzapersonally presented his reflections on the consequences and risks of globalization, with a focus on the role of open sources in support of …

1998 Fry (UK) Open Sources and Law Enforcement–Learning Curves and Pain Barriers within Scotland Yard (Metropolitan Police of London)

Alan Fry is a household name in the United Kingdom, where he is “on the spot” with counter-terrorism.  What few know is that he is bracketed by Sir David Veness, today the Deputy Secretary of the United Nations for Safety and Security, who led anti-terrorism for a very long time and created the first deep …