SchwartzReport: US GMO Food is Mega-TOXIC

The Great Experiment: Genetically Modified Organisms, Scientific Integrity, and National Wellness STEPHAN A. SCHWARTZ, Columnist – Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing In September 2012, pictures of seriously tumorous rats (Figure 1) went viral across the Internet, setting off passionate and acrimonious exchanges between proponents and opponents of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Charges and …

INTERVIEW: Open Everything – with Robert David STEELE Vivas UPDATED to Add Parts V and VI

Open Everything – Interview with Robert David STEELE Vivas David Balaban Privacy PC, April 2-8, 2013 PART I  Open Everything – Interview with Robert David STEELE Vivas This section open with Mr. Steele’s thoughts on CIA and CIA IT. PART II:  Open Everything – Interview with Robert David STEELE Vivas. Part 2 This section of …

Nick Eftimiades: New Course Intellience & National Security in the Undiscovered County

New King’s College Course on Intelligence and National Security Posted by neftimiades on March 31, 2013 Posted in: espionage, future, intelligence, national security, security, technology. Tagged: future, futurism, intelligence, national security, security. Leave a Comment This is a new graduate course I will be teaching for King’s College War Studies Department beginning autumn, 2013.  The course …

NATO OSINT to OSE/M4IS2 Round-Up 2.0

SHORT-CUT: 2015-2016 NATO Strategic Foresight Wrap-Up NATO Innovation Hub Strategic Foresight Report Answers: Steele for NATO Strategic Foresight Berto Jongman: Will US Collapse Soon? Robert Steele: Should EU Be Thinking About Post-US NATO? 2013 2013 BGen James Cox, CA (Ret) On the Record on Open Source Information versus Open Source Intelligence versus Secret Intelligence …

Berto Jongman: Attempt to Cut Continental Cable Almost Succeeded

Three Egyptian divers ‘tried to hack through internet ocean-floor cables in attack that could have taken ENTIRE continent offline’ Three men arrested by the Egyptian army for ‘cutting undersea cable’ If the bid was successful it could have taken an ‘entire continent offline’ It comes after one of the biggest cyber-attacks ever launched Read full …