Gordon Duff: 2015 CIA Torture Report Incriminates Dick Cheney

CIA Torture Report Incriminates Dick Cheney New Eastern Outlook, 04.01.2015 formation received this week from the highest levels of US counter-terrorism sources have confirmed that the reputed “Queen of Al Qaeda,” Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, a CIA torture victim now serving 87 years in an American “super-max” prison, was a CIA agent when captured and was …

Robert Steele: Khashoggi False Flag CIA Princes Bandar Turki Coup Against Trump & MbS UPDATE 20: Saudi Lead on Alledged Murder a Zionist Asset?

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/steele-khashoggi UPDATE 20: Saudi Lead on Alledged Murder a Zionist Asset? UPDATE 19: Sybel Edmunds in Turkey Confirms CIA-Mossad False Flag Fake Girlfriend, No Body UPDATE 18: The CIA lied about the Russians hacking the election, could they be lying (or deceived by the Zionists) on MBS’s role? President is CORRECT to say …

Ron Unz: American Pravda – 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and the Zionist Control of America

American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories As President George W. Bush began inexorably moving America toward the Iraq War in 2002, I realized with a terrible sinking feeling that the notoriously pro-Israel Neocon zealots had somehow managed to seize control of the foreign policy of his administration, a situation I could never have imagined even in …

Sander Hicks: First Amendment Under Attack: What You Need to Know about Big Tech’s Assault on Alex Jones

First Amendment Under Attack: What You Need to Know about Big Tech’s Assault on Alex Jones Around August 6, 2018 independent journalist Alex Jones was kicked off Facebook, YouTube, Google, Spotify and Apple, in a coordinated, late-night purge, due to Jones’ criticisms and “threats” against Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Jones has also taken unpopular, iconclastic …

Greg Felton: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Zionism’s Great Feeding Frenzy – The Parasite Eats the Host

9/11: Zionism’s Great Feeding Frenzy – The Parasite Eats Its Host 21 July 2018 Mr. President, The Host & The Parasite––How Israel’s Fifth Column Consumed America is a meticulously researched chronicle of the U.S.’s tragic slide from an independent republic into a client state of Israel – a shiksa in the vernacular you know so …

David Ray Griffin: Memorandum for the President: Proposal for a Presidential 9/11 Truth Summit

Proposal for a Presidential 9/11 Truth Summit 8 July 2018 Dear President Trump: In the opening chapter of my 2017 book, Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World, I wrote: During the debate on September 16, 2015, Donald Trump made a criticism of George W. Bush, after which Jeb Bush said, “There’s …