Yoda: China’s Military Strategy – Winning Informationized Local Wars

China’s New Military Strategy: “Winning Informationized Local Wars” Jamestown  Foundation China Brief Volume: 15 Issue: 13 EXTRACT The phrase “winning informationized local wars” has appeared in the pages of the PLA’s newspaper, the Liberation Army Daily, only fifty times. But thirty eight, or 75 percent, of these references have occurred since mid-August 2014. The term …

Kevjn Lim: Why Iran Matters to China

Iran Seen from Beijing China views Iran as a central element in its much-touted Silk Road Economic Belt, which aims to extend Beijing’s influence overland through Central Asia to the Persian Gulf and Europe. Read full article.

Yoda: China CELAC $250 Billion

China To Invest Billions in Latin America China has committed to investing US$250 billion over the next decade in Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) member states. Read full article.