2002 Hock (US) The World of Information: Content, Content, and Content

PLATINUM LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT, Dr. Ran Hock Dr. Ran Hock has done more than any single individual to educate both government and private sector parties with respect to the value of the deep web.  He has single-handedly trained hundreds of individuals in the nuances of this major new intelligence resource base.  Emphasizing individual analytic skills and …

1995 Bender (US) The Information Highway: Will Librarians Be Left by the Side of the Road?

In 1986, Project GEORGE (Smiley) in the CIA’s Office of Information Technology discovered that computers had been designed without ever talking to librarians.  There were created as unstructured bit buckets.  It turns out that in the analog period, structure and the Dewey decimal system and humanly-constructed taxonomies were vitally important if one was to archive …

Joachim Hagopian: Massive Death Wave Coming Amidst Vaccine Mandates While Truth and Revolution Fill the Air

Massive Death Wave Coming Amidst Vaccine Mandates While Truth and Revolution Fill the Air Truth and revolution are in the air. With the unveiling of so many known health hazards linked directly to the Big Pharma industry’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout, the international crime cabal is now on the defensive, using the adage that the best …

Questions Being Answered on Spy Improv – All Weeks Missed!

Questions from 5/15  1776 – 2.0           Why urge patriots to stay off the streets when they are completely unable to get relief through the corrupt court system?  Time for 1776 – 2.0? ARISE    You said specific rally locations 14 days out. Cant find it to save my life. Hope I don’t miss ya in SLC. …

12-Step Program to #UNRIG and Restore American Election Integrity

“There is nothing wrong with America the Beautiful that cannot be fixed, and fixed quick, by restoring integrity to how we self-govern. Election fraud is the foundation of the Deep State; Election reform is how We the People take the power back to make America great again.” -Robert David Steele Join Robert David Steele in …

Review: 2045 Global Projects At War – Tectonic Processes of Global Transformation

Daniel Estulin cemented his position in my own view as one of the top twelve non-fiction authors in the geo-cultural-economic-political arena with his book TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses, my rave review is at the link. I found this book so impressive I included it among my top 25 cosmic mind-altering books in …