Marcus Aurelius: Mike Flynn on Winning Wars

Read what the President-elect’s National Security Advisor had to say about winning wars a couple of months ago. Military Review is the professional journal of the Army’s intermediate-level professional school, the Command and General Staff College. How about Winning Our Nation’s Wars Instead of Just Participating in Them? Extracts Below the Fold

Review: Margin of Victory – Five Battles that Changed the Face of Modern War

Col Dr Doug Macgregor Speaking Truth to Power — Senator McCain Agrees, the Flag Officers Do Not 5 Stars Margin of Victory is a hugely important book that should be required reading in all of the war colleges, as well as all national security programs in political science and international relations courses across the country. …

Robert Parry: Jonathan Marshall on US Arms Makers Inciting a New Cold War

US Arms Makers Invest in a New Cold War Behind the U.S. media-political clamor for a new Cold War with Russia is a massive investment by the Military-Industrial Complex in “think tanks” and other propaganda outlets, writes Jonathan Marshall. Think tanks like the Lexington Institute are prime movers behind the domestic propaganda campaign to revive …

Neil Keenan: Ban Ki Moon Implodes – China & Japan Blow Him Off After Korea Slams Door on Asian Gold Option…

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | China Shoves, Keenan Pushes To Put An End To UN / NWO / Ban Ki-moon’s Foolishness Following his ejection from South Korea, Ban Ki-moon flew quickly to China for an an unofficial visit He arrived in China unannounced, desperately seeking a way to keep the NWO’s agenda alive.  He needed money …

Neil Keenan: Hot Spot – Money, RV’s, A Debt Jubilee, Inflation, and the Gold Game

Hot Spot: Money, RV’s, Transparency And The Gold Game Judge Anna most recently defined the true meaning of money to be (1) your labor, (2) natural resources and (3) what your labor does to natural resources. Everything else is fiat or fake. And as soon as governments allow banks or treasuries to print paper backed …