Sepp Hasslberger: SpaceX Satellite Internet – Cheap and Uncensored?

Between the local WiFi networks uniting neighbourhoods and whole cities being developed a bit all over the world, and a satellite based cheap broadband link into the internet, we just might end up with a net that is more resilient in the case of disasters and less open to surveillance, which today is quite ubiquitous… …

Sepp Hasslberger: Wikipedia & Media Corruption Censoring News of Class Action Lawsuit Against Monsanto

Lawsuit (class action) filed in California against Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup! Spread the word, the media is refusing to report… Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Monsanto. Media Silent Efforts to publicize this lawsuit against Monsanto for false advertising with Roundup,  filed in Los Angeles County Court on April 20, 2015, have been rejected by the LA …

SchwartzReport: References to Civil Disobedience Being Censored Out of US History Classes

This is the latest on the Willful Ignorance Trend. American schools are under attack from the Theocratic Right, who literally want to rewrite history, and get it taught the way they want. This is some very good news about that trend. Real pushback. But how many schools do you think will do this? Still it’s …