Sepp Hasslberger: ABC Censors Wi-Fi Risk Story

Report about WiFi health effects aired in Australia was found to be too revealing and was withdrawn, along with a suspension of the reporter… was industry applying pressure? ABC Censors Catalyst Wifi Report, Suspends Reporter, and Embarrasses Itself Why the censorship, ABC? “Wi-Fried”: Why fried? What is the ABC trying to hide by taking down …

Jon Rappoport: GMO Big Lie Outed by National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Censored by Mainstream Media (MSM)

The GMO Big Lie dies on the vine In May, the NAS issued a comprehensive report: “Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects.” The report’s key finding takes in the entire period of US cultivation of GMO crops: “The nation-wide data on maize, cotton, or soybean in the United States do not show a significant signature …

Jon Rappoport: Huffington Post Censors Post on Connection between Merck, Vaccinations, and Autism

Merck, Huff Po, Vaxxed: the censorship connection Six steps to Huff Po blackout heaven Recently, long-time blogger/columnist for the Huffington Post, Lance Simmens, wrote an article in which he made positive comments about the film, Vaxxed (trailer). Huffington Post censored Simmens’ article. His account with Huff Po was blocked without explanation. Read full post for …

Stephen E. Arnold: Dark Web Gets Reputable — ProPublica Shifts to DarkWeb to Avoid Censorship and Monitoring

Reputable News Site Now on the Dark Web Does the presence of a major news site lend an air of legitimacy to the Dark Web? Wired announces, “ProPublica Launches the Dark Web’s First Major News Site.” Reporter Andy Greenberg tells us that ProPublica recently introduced a version of their site running on the Tor network. …

Antechinus: McGraw-Hill Censors Map of Israel’s History

McGraw-Hill Map Censors Map of Israel’s History In March 2016 executives at McGraw-Hill took the extreme step of withdrew a published text from the market and then proceeded to destroy all the remaining books held in inventory. The book “Global Politics: Engaging a Complex World” contained a series of four maps that show “Palestinian loss …

Robert Steele: Eric Schmidt is a Moron [Under His Rules, This Post Would Be Censored]

Google’s Eric Schmidt calls for ‘spell-checkers for hate and harassment’ Google’s Eric Schmidt has called on the technology industry to put its collective intelligence behind tackling terrorism on the internet, by building “spell-checkers, but for hate and harassment”. NOTE: It is very likely The Guardian will delete the below comments as made publicly there. This …

Eagle: #StoptheCops — International Police Conference in Chicago Blockaded — Mainstream Media Censors Story

#StopTheCops: Chicago Activists Shut Down International Police Conference Organizers from multiple groups created this event, including BYP 100, Assata’s Daughters, We Charge Genocide, #Not1More, and Organized Communities Against Deportations. Here’s an excerpt from the BYP statement on the protest: Together, we’re organized to demand that our lives, our communities and our futures be made a …