Tom Atlee: Collective Thinking About Public Affairs

Collective thinking about public affairs (NOTE: In this essay I intentionally subsume the thinking processes of official decision-makers into the thinking processes of the citizenry as a whole. I realize that official decision-makers can and do make decisions independently of the will of the people, unless that public will is united and organized. But elite …

Greg Palast: GOP Is Going to Steal 2012 Election — and No One Will Stop It or Complain

Greg Palast on How the GOP Is Planning to Steal the 2012 Election Wednesday, 12 September 2012 14:32 By Mark Karlin, Truthout | Interview Greg Palast is back with a timely new book, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps.  In the book, which is illustrated by Ted Rall …

John Steiner: What we in 2012 can learn from Teddy Roosevelt in 1912

What we in 2012 can learn from Teddy Roosevelt in 1912 CNN, 6 August 2012 Editor’s note: John Avlon is a CNN contributor and senior political columnist for Newsweek and The Daily Beast. He is co-editor of the book “Deadline Artists: America’s Greatest Newspaper Columns.” He is a regular contributor to “Erin Burnett OutFront” and …

Former Comptroller General David Walker, Wall Street Trojan Horse, Rides Again – The Bus Tour to Distract the Public From Electoral Reform

UPDATED 8 August 2012 with comments from Common Cause, others. Buyer Beware – A New York Shill Takes to the Highway The Hon. David M. Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General, today announced a first-of-its-kind national bus tour to engage Americans about our nation’s deteriorating financial condition ­ and show them what they can do to …