Daniel Pinchbeck: Qanon, Burning Man, the failure of Neoliberalism, and the Occult

Qanon, Burning Man, the failure of Neoliberalism, and the Occult If Trump wins agains, one main reason will be that the Democrats forfeited their working class base more than a decade ago. Clinton and Obama embraced the empty promises and “social vaporware” of the tech sector, along with the financialized capitalism model of Wall Street. …

Donald Trump: On QAnon Against Pedophiles & Satanists UPDATE 1

‘Is that such a bad thing?’: Trump willing to help QAnon conspiracy theorists ‘save the world’ from cannibals and paedophiles Phi Beta Iota: The Deep State is in a panic. Facebook removes QAnon conspiracy group with 200,000 members Facebook purges 790 QAnon groups as the fringe conspiracy movement keeps growing Both Satanists and pedophiles (including …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – July 2020 Food, Food Security, and Famine!

American Gray Swans – July 2020 Food, Food Security, and Famine! Let us be real clear, unless you can stare at the Sun to draw enough energy to stay alive than you need Food to survive. It is a concept! Famine is historically the #1 Killer of Humanity, and America, Europe, and China are all …

Ed Jewett: QAnon Rocks, MSM Whines . . .

Truth Always Wins Dispatches from the Information War Sarah Hartman-Caverly Abstract At our best, librarians are the medics of information warfare, rescuing and sustaining the truth without regard for ideological loyalty. Given the political polarization of the current information climate, how are we answering that call? Part ethnography, part media critique, and part confessional tale, …

Review: Not in His Image – Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief by John Lamb Lash

6 Star Healing Soul-Opening Book I am rushing this partial review into publication to honor Young Pharaoh as well as  David Ray Griffin and make the point that the main religions in the USA today are corrupt to the bone, patriarchial to the point of relegating women to whoredom, playing the victim card, and totally …

Q and Trump Team Defeat Deep State from Inside Out 1/3

Q and Trump Team Defeat Deep State from Inside Out 1/3 Sleeping masses delay the Q-Plan Deep State’s satanic control is long-term conspiracy Only our Mass Awakening Liberates Planet Earth Q and Trump Team streamed on Soundcloud Read short text liberally illustrated with great cartoons.