Review: Intelligence Collection – How to Plan and Execute Intelligence Collection in Complex Environments

Wayne Michael Hall, Gary Citrenbaum 4.0 out of 5 stars Utterly Brilliant, Eye-Glazing, 505 Pages of Straight Text, 10 Micro-Slides, December 2, 2013 You could read this book a hundred times and learn something new every time. I have taken off one star because the book is too dense by far, with a tiny handful …

Worth a Look: Esplorare Internet – Manuale di investigazioni digitali e Open Source Intelligence

Autore: Leonida Reitano Collana:Giornalismo Investigativo Formato:14 x 21 cm Pagine:264 + Cop. in brossura Disponibile dal 20 novembre 2013 Lingua:Italiano ISBN:978-88-7381-514-3 Questo è il primo manuale italiano rivolto all’utilizzo professionale della rete Internet per ricavare informazioni su fenomeni sociali e criminali, persone fisiche e giuridiche, profili individuali e collettivi. Un manuale per i giornalisti d’inchiesta, …

Steven Aftergood: US Intelligence Challenged by Foreign Technological Innovation [and Everything Else…]

US Intelligence Challenged by Foreign Technological Innovation “The increasing pace and adoption of global scientific and technological discovery heighten the risk of strategic or tactical surprise and, over time, reduce the advantages of our intelligence capabilities,” according to a new report on U.S. intelligence research and development programs prepared by a congressionally-mandated Commission. “Foreign countries’ …

Steve Aftergood: To Fix US Intelligence, Shrink It

TO FIX U.S. INTELLIGENCE, SHRINK IT? Criticism of U.S. intelligence takes many forms:  Intelligence agencies are too secretive, or they are too leaky.  They over-collect, or they under-perform.  Or all of these, and more besides. Many of the criticisms can be reduced to a single argument: The U.S. intelligence community has become too large to …

Berto Jongman: John McAfee Vows to Make Internet “Impossible to Hack” + Internet/Human Intelligence Meta-RECAP [Bottom Line Up Front: Internet without Intelligence and Integrity is Noise]

John McAfee vows to make Internet ‘impossible to hack’ By Dan Nakaso >Posted:   09/24/2013 05:38:37 PM PDT | Updated:   a day ago SAN JOSE — Anti-virus software pioneer John McAfee, who buried himself in the sand to hide from police in Belize, faked a heart attack in a Guatemalan detention center and …

Berto Jongman: Jeff Richelson’s Collection of Documents on Underground Facilities – Intelligence and Targeting Issues

Underground Facilities: Intelligence and Targeting Issues U.S. Intelligence: Hiding of Military Assets by “Rogue Nations” and Other States a Major Security Challenge for 21st Century U.S. Documents Describe Monitoring Effort Going Back to Early Cold War Years National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 439 UPDATE – September 23, 2013 Originally Posted – March 23, …