Robert Steele: Voter Fraud is Real, Donald Trump is Right…and David Axelrod on Crap News Network — A Liar

UPDATE: VoteStand and Gregg Philips may be on the verge of proving 3 -6 million case of vote fraud in the 2016 election. They have an expanded definition of voter fraud with 10 elements: Voter Registration fraud Dead people voting Felon vote fraud Absentee ballot vote fraud Voter intimidation/suppression Electronic voting fraud Voter impersonation Ballot …

Mike Krupa: Vatican Interference in US Election — Call for Investigation [Plus Kellyanne Conway on Media Bias Seeking to Manipulate Election]

A Vatican-Democratic Party Alliance? (Catholics Ask Trump Administration to Investigate) We were alarmed to discover that, during the third year of the first term of the Obama administration your previous opponent, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and other government officials with whom she associated proposed a Catholic “revolution” in which the final demise of what …

Antechinus: George Soros Seeks to Impeach Donald Trump

George Soros Files Lawsuit To Impeach President Trump Billionaire globalist George Soros has launched a campaign to impeach President Trump by filing a lawsuit against the President just days after taking office. Soros’ Open Society Foundations funded the organization that filed the lawsuit against President Trump which will challenge the “Constitutionality of his presidency,” according …

SPECIAL: Trump Trips; Preibus-Spicer Betrayal; Deception, “Gaslighting,” and Lies –The War Between Two Alternative Forms of Fake News

Below are three offerings, from Chuck Spinney, Mike Lofgren, and Jon Rappoport. Each deals with competing forms of fake news — the Trump version versus the Empire version. Both are wrong but between the two, the Empire version is more wrong. I’ve done all I can to help Donald Trump — in my view Reince …