Journal: The Domestic Politics of Afghanistan

Following editorial appeared in today’s Washington Post, commenting on a series of three excerpts of Bob Woodward’s new book, “Obama’s Wars.”  Invite your attention to highlighted portions, particularly the final one, “,,,  the president had treated the military as another political constituency that had to be accommodated …”  Anybody wanna speculate how that’s making the …

Journal: CIA Loves Blackwater; Arizona Ungovernable in South; Coast Guard Learns and Morphs from Katrina; Israeli Black Propaganda?

Blackwater Won Contracts Through A Web Of Companies. CIA mafia, illegal arms, 31 companies to deceive US Government, owner moves family to Abu Dhabi. Signs in Arizona warn of smuggler dangers. Feds post 15, south Arizona now “ungovernable zone.” For Coast Guard, Katrina’s lessons are carried on. Overview in human interest context of how Katrina …

Review: The Blue Covenant–The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water

Superb Overview and Update As of 2007 August 27, 2010 Maude Barlow I now realize that this book is a sequel to Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World’s Water and I will read and review that book next. First off, am really starting to pay attention to Right Livelihood, …