Graphic: The Four Quadrants of Knowledge

This was inspired by Harold Wilenski’s book, Organizational Intelligence (Knowledge and Policy in Government and Industry), and Robert Steele’s growing awareness that what passes for “Knowledge Management” is nothing more than internal data mining.  Augmented by an understanding of collaboration networks and by the growing but still immature field of commercial intelligence, the chart took …

Graphic: Regional Information-Sharing and Sense-Making Centre

This is a basic regional centre that would initially work exclusively with open sources of information, but could, as trust and mutual intersts coincide, extend to do focused clandestine and covert actions, for example, against transnational criminal gangs, corrupt government officials and predatory corporate officials that loot commonwealths by bribing single officials at key points.

Graphic: Sunshine Cabinet

This is a notional representation of what a proper non-partisan, transpartisan, post-partisan Cabinet might look like, created in partnership with Jock Gill and Michael Cudahy.  America is too complicated to be run by one person elected by 30% of the eligible voters,  and their partisan buddies.

Graphic: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) 102 (Right Way)

Charles Hampden-Turner’s book RADICAL MAN: The Process of Psycho-Social Development, remains one of the most important works with respect to making the most of our one inexhausible resource, the human brain.  Below are covers of the book in both editions, with links to the Amazon page for each