Graphic: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) 101 (Wrong Way)

Charles Hampden-Turner’s book RADICAL MAN: The Process of Psycho-Social Development, remains one of the most important works with respect to making the most of our one inexhausible resource, the human brain.  Below are covers of the book in both editions, with links to the Amazon page for each.

Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Cube

This is a way of looking at Information Operations (IO) in an integrated fashion.  It is not possible to be effective at IO (of which all-source intelligence less than 10% of the total) or at governance at any level (global to local) without a holistic appreciation of all forms of knowledge.

Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Eras

Col Dr. Max Manwaring defined the first six generations of warfare, Robert Steele converted those to information operaitons (IO) eras, and added the 7th era, which is easiy to achieve with leadership integrity, virtually impossible to achieve as long as any government persists in retaining legacy systems that are stovepipes within stovepipes surrounded by security …

Graphic: Integrity in All Respects

The lack of leadership integrity, combined with the information asymmetries and data pathologies that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is culturally and intellectually unable to address, leave the U.S. Government operating on 2% of the relevant information, providing the President with 4%, “at best” according to General Tony Zinni, USMC (Ret) of what he needs, …