2014 Rethinking National Intelligence — Seven False Premises Blocking Intelligence Reform

Is this the year in which populism defeats the two-party system, when the US stops borrowing to finance waste, and when the NSA debacle outrages the American people to the point that they call for a radical overhaul of the government? – DOC (12 Pages): Rethinking Intelligence 2.3 This post is available for complete re-posting …

Review: Intelligence Elsewhere – Spies and Espionage Outside the Anglosphere

Philip H. J. Davies and Kristian C. Gustafson (eds.) 4.0 out of 5 stars Long Overdue, A Very Fine Start, More Can Be Done, December 23, 2013 I am noticing this book primarily to recommend it at Phi Beta Iota, the Public Intelligence Blog. I strongly recommend the overview chapter that is provided free within …

Hamilton Bean: The Paradox of Open Source: An Interview with Douglas J. Naquin with Letter from Robert Steele

The Paradox of Open Source: An Interview with Douglas J. Naquin Click above to buy the article (encouraged). International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence Volume 27, Issue 1, 2014 PDF (16 Pages): Bean Interview of Naquin Clean Letter from Robert Steele PDF (3 Pages): IJIC Steele on Bean-Naquin As Published Full Text of Letter Below …