Owl: All Young Men Will Join ISIS-Like Elements — No Use for Young Men in the USA, a Prescription for Violent Revolution

What Will the Young Men Do? Author on peak oil James William Kunstler answers this question from the context of social, cultural and environmental collapse the 1% of the 1% are strenuously engineering to bring about. This article shows his courage in taking on a theme that all mainstream media and punditry completely ignore: what …

UN Paper: Beyond Data Monitoring – Achieving the Sustainability Development Goals Through Intelligence (Decision-Support) Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/EIN-UN-SDG Beyond Data Monitoring – Achieving the Sustainability Development Goals Through Intelligence (Decision-Support) Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything BACKGROUND RESEARCH PAPER Submitted to the High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda DOC (23 Pages): Beyond Data Monitoring 3.4 See Also: 2014 Robert Steele Applied Collective Intelligence 2014 …

Berto Jongman: Obama (and Hagel, Clapper, Vickers) Forced General Flynn Out for Telling the Truth

Former CIA Director: Obama Forced Out Intel Chief Who Warned About Weak Iraqi Army Wednesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” President Bill Clinton’s former director of the CIA James Woolsey said President Barack Obama’s attempt to blame poor intelligence is getting “less and less true” as he pointed to the forced resignation of …

Stephen E. Arnold: How the NYT (and Google) Imploded — Bad Management, Static Content, Piecemeal Kludging

New York Times Online: An Inside View Check out the presentation “The Surprising Path to a Faster NYTimes.com.” I was surprised at some of the information in the slide deck. First, I thought the New York Times was first online in the 1970s via LexisNexis. I thought that was an exclusive deal and reasonably profitable …

SchwartzReport: Quantum Biology? Fruit Fly Cellular Communications at a Distance via Cytonemes

Here is some important and fascinating new quantum research. Weekender: Quantum Biology? Scientists Discover Amazing Quantum Processes At Work In Nature Unknown Country The “interconnectedness of all things” is a notion embraced by the spiritual community and, more recently, by science in the field of quantum mechanics. This area of research is still regarded as …