Congressional Research Service — Index Frozen 2 JUNE 2015

NOTICE: We are suspending our update of this index. All CRS reports will continue to be offered at the Federation of American Scientists, and updated as new version are received, but we will not longer maintain this separate index.   Updated FAS new 2 June 2015. All links lead to Federation of American Scientists (FAS) …

Marcus Aurelius: Time for US to Get Serious About Setting Everyone Else “Ablaze”? — Sun Tzu Comment

Two articles follow:  one posits a seemingly global anti-US opposition, an Anti-American Network (AAN), and the other posits that political warfare is the answer to the Middle East portion of the problem.  IMHO, both are worth considering.  Further believe that, with respect to Boot & Doran’s approach, (a) coverage needs expansion to cover all the opponents Hirsch posits …

Marcus Aurelius: The Future of Joint Operations

Everybody play nice together while the bulk of already inadequate and dwindling resources are weighted to Navy and Air Force in the Pacific.  [Oh, BTW, in separate Armed Forces Journal reporting, twp Army officers, a major general and a colonel, assert that former Chief of Naval Operations ADM (Ret) Gary Roughead and Hoover Institution analyst Kori Schake have recommended …

Neal Rauhauser: Transcript of Meeting Between Julian Assange and Eric Schmidt with Department of State Staff

All sort of stuff popping up today.  Worth a complete and careful reading. Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt Friday April 19, 2013 On the 23 of June, 2011 a secret five hour meeting took place between WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who was under house arrest in rural UK …

Mini-Me: Next Corporate Revolution Will Be Power to the Peons — Bureaucracy is Now Officially Toxic

Huh? The next corporate revolution will be power to the peons ‘Bureaucracy has to die,’ says business consultant at CITE Conference (see video below) Computerworld – SAN FRANCISCO — Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Intel have something in common: They all came late to the mobile revolution. Why? Because they’re companies where management is top-down and …

Stephen E. Arnold: Bitext Delivers Breakthrough in Localized Sentiment Analysis

Bitext Delivers a Breakthrough in Localized Sentiment Analysis Posted: 28 May 2013 12:52 PM PDT Identifying user sentiment has become one of the most powerful analytic tools provided by text processing companies, and Bitext’s integrative software approach is making sentiment analysis available to companies seeking to capitalize on its benefits while avoiding burdensome implementation costs.  …

Berto Jongman: McKinsey 12 Technologies Driving the Future — With Comment from Robert Steele

These 12 technologies will drive our economic future Neil Irwin Washington Post, 24 May 2013 As the chart shows, the McKinsey folks believe that the most economically significant technologies over the next decade-plus will be those already well underway in their development — the mobile Internet, largely in place in the adv Indeed, maybe the …