Ben Fulford: Israel Bio-Attack on China Seeking to Start WWIII — With Huge Insider Trading Profits?

Israel commits suicide by declaring war on China The battle to liberate planet Earth is reaching a dangerous stage as the Khazarian mafia uses bioweapons to try and start a war between the United States and China.  However, this plan is backfiring because both the Chinese and the white hats in the military-industrial complex know …

Zero Hedge: $6.4 Trillion And Counting – How The Military-Industrial Complex Hijacked The War On Terror

Ike Was Right! Authored by Eric Margolis, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. General Dwight D Eisenhower Farewell address 1961 Congress just passed a near trillion …

Robert Steele: National Security Strategy — The Mattis Version

Platitudes without integrity.  This is the 2018 Mattis version but this is what the good people trapped in  the bad system called the Pentagon are working with.  This “strategy” lacks integrity, is divorced from reality, does not do true cost economics, and is not helpful to American security. PDF (14 Pages): 2018-National-Defense-Strategy-Summary See Instead: Robert …

Review: The New Rules of War – Victory in the Age of Durable Disorder by Sean McFate

Sean McFate 3 Stars — Company Grade Officer Dabbles as Mercenary, Earns PhD, Pens a Sophmoric Best Seller Catering to Deep State Interests Reviewed by Robert David Steele This book is at best a ten page article with ten cute “rules” half of which are wrong. There are some useful observations in the book but …

Gordon Duff: Breaking/Confirmed: Soleimani Killed on Diplomatic Mission to Iraq to Receive Trump-Pompeo Missive — BONUS Alleged Photo of Soleimani with US Troops

Breaking/Confirmed: Soleimani Killed on Diplomatic Mission to Iraq to Receive Trump-Pompeo Missive No magic intercepts were needed, we now learn from Iraq, to arrange for the assassination of Soleimani. We now learn that the ambush was staged through diplomatic channels, drawing Soleimani to Iraq in order to receive an offer of reduced sanctions from President …