Antechinus: Spy agencies use metadata for market advantage

A 2008 paper by Arindrajit Dube, Ethan Kaplan, and Suresh Naidu found evidence that the CIA and/or members of the Executive branch either disclosed or acted on information about top-secret authorizations of coups. Stocks in “highly exposed” firms rose more in the pre-coup authorization phase than they did when the coup was actually launched.

ANSWERS to Spanish Dancer on CIA and SOF Replacing Conventional Forces

My Masters is focused on Strategic Studies and International Security and my thesis is about the relevance of the black-ops (paramilitary) to the detriment of the conventional military operations in America´s foreign policy. Basically I argue (due to literature that I´ve been revising for more than a year) that it is a fact that since …

SchwartzReport: Charter Education, Public Dollars, Ideological Outcomes

The Charter School Movement, whatever it might have intended in the beginning, has become something of a racket. Like all privatization movements it is about finding a way to tap the public treasury to make profit. Unfortunately, what it was supposed to deliver has not panned out — improved education for children.  Note particularly the …