Yoda: End Lockdown — It Is a Mass Casualty Event Say 600 Doctors

“Mass casualty incident”: 600 doctors sign letter to Trump calling for end to lockdowns over health concerns More than 600 doctors signed and sent a letter to President Trump urging him to reopen the U.S. economy, calling the coronavirus lockdowns a “mass casualty incident” with “exponentially growing health consequences.” The letter warns that tens of …

Zero Hedge: NSA’s Social Network Mapping is More Vast, Omnipresent, & Horrifying Than Snowden Revealed

NSA’s Social Network Mapping is More Vast, Omnipresent, & Horrifying Than Snowden Revealed Authored by Jake Anderson via TheMindUnleashed.com, Most people know by now about the surveillance abuses perpetrated by the NSA earlier this century, but a new book about Edward Snowden suggests that the metadata collection programs introduced to us through previous whistleblowers and …

Robert Steele: The Corruption of Justice — Elderly Being Stripped of Their Estates by Crooked Judges — One of Several Forms of “Legalized” Human Trafficking in the USA

Sidney Powell remains  one of the top authorities on corrupt judges and prosecutors but I have long been concerned by my own observations. Corrupt prosecutors and judges not only enable federal, state, and local officials to lie to the court and abuse victims with impunity, but it is not well known that corrupt judges are …

Mongoose: Is HR 6666 So Treasonous As to Demand Citizen Over-Throw of the House In November? Is the GOP Leadership That Hates Our President Complicit In This Treason?

Alert Reader writes in: If this bill were to pass, is there perhaps a VERY large class-action lawsuit embedded in this Constitutional over-reach? From the Declaration of Independence: But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, …

John Petersen: Shelter In Place Is Weakening the Immune Systems of Everyone Who Complies

Shelter In Place Is Weakening the Immune Systems of Everyone Who Complies Dr. Dan Erickson, owner of Accelerated Urgent Care clinics in Bakersfield, California is exasperated by the lockdown, finding it to be completely unnecessary and much more harmful than a disease that has a lower mortality rate to the annual flu. He says that …