Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo (Google) Sells Access to All Your Emails

Google: Privacy May Be a Relative Concept Google is concerned about its users privacy. It has options for users to turn off data sharing to protect their privacy. Google says it has these options…supposedly. Fortune shares how Google is breaking its privacy promises in the article, “Google Admits That It Lets Outside Services Share Your …

Paul Craig Roberts: #GoogleGestapo – Social Media Is Now a Censorship Mechanism

Anti-Defamation League, Facebook, Google & Youtube Appoint Themselves As Official Internet Censor By Richard Enos Collective Evolution October 1, 2018 The obvious fact is that the cabal of organizations that will be sitting down at the Cyberhate Problem-Solving Lab will likely make little mention of the impact of cyber-bullying and online hate speech on human …

Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook Blocks Facebook Posts About Facebook’s Massive Security Breach — We Are Shocked (#GoogleGestapo)

Facebook: Interesting Real News Filtering We read “Facebook Users Unable to Post Story about Huge Facebook Hack on Facebook.” A real news outfit in London noticed that stories about Facebook’s most recent security lapse were not appearing on Facebook. Another real news outfit reported that some Facebook users saw this message: “Action Blocked: Our security …

Penguin: Open Source Starting Point for Post #GoogleGestapo Internet? (Designed by Tim Berners-Lee) UPDATE 1 Stephen E. Arnold Comments

Exclusive: Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend the World Wide Web With an ambitious decentralized platform, the father of the web hopes it’s game on for corporate tech giants like Facebook and Google. For years now, Berners-Lee and other internet activists have been dreaming of a digital utopia where individuals control …

Rebecca Campbell: #GoogleGestapo Reddit Quarantining 9/11 Truthers, Directing Queries to Government Site Instead — Meanwhile Google’s Wiping Out Truthers

Reddit Now “Quarantining” Users Who Question 9/11—Direct Users to Gov’t Site Instead On Thursday, the subreddit r/911truth was placed under a Reddit Quarantine. The Reddit Administrators claimed that the subreddit posts misinformation and then directed people seeking information on 9/11 to the official government website. In other news, Google-owned wiped out Dr. James Fetzer’s website …