Michael Moore on the Class War & Looting of America

Recommended! Phi Beta Iota: Two items are included in full below the line in sequence.  To read them in their original online form, here are the two headlines: How I Got to Madison, Wisconsin …a letter from Michael Moore Michael Moore: The Smug Wealthy Have Gone Too Far — And We’re Finally Fighting Back  

Review: The Clash of Ideas in World Politics–Transnational Networks, States, and Regime Change, 1510-2010

John M. Owen Academic, Historical Focus on States March 4, 2011 In comparison to Grand Strategies: Literature, Statecraft, and World Order, which is receiving a 6+ from my (my top 10%), this is at best a 4 for the general public of which I am a part. It has its academic testimonials, in that world …

US-Korea Trade “Deal” is Dumb & Dirty

“What will N. Korea do with the money it gets from the U.S.- Korean Trade Deal?” Watch the video | Stop U.S.-Korea NAFTA Conservative Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) explains why Korean trade agreement threatens national security | Stop U.S.-Korea NAFTA Conservative Pundit and Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein on the Loss of U.S. Sovereignty under KORUS …