AFIO Selected Headlines: Google, Woolsey, Hayden

Google Comes Under Fire for ‘Secret’ Relationship with NSA. Consumer Watchdog, an advocacy group largely focused in recent years on Google’s privacy practices, has called on a congressional investigation into the Internet giant’s “cozy” relationship with U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration.  In a letter sent Monday, Consumer Watchdog asked Representative Darrell Issa, the new chairman …

FBI Intelligence Violations from 2001 – 2008

Executive Summary In a review of nearly 2,500 pages of documents released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a result of litigation under the Freedom of Information Act, EFF uncovered alarming trends in the Bureau’s intelligence investigation practices. The documents consist of reports made by the FBI to the Intelligence Oversight Board of violations …

Building Democracy Amongst Corporate Personhood Rights, Powers, and Legal Fictions

Womens International League for Peace and Freedom is pushing to turn back the Supreme Court ruling that gives corporations personhood and the freedom to spend unlimited money in political ads under freedom of speech. See Timeline of Personhood Rights and Powers from 1772-1996 (pdf) Related: + Video: Transpartisan dialog on corporate power (Jan 21, 2011 …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Tunisian Political Theater

NIGHTWATCH EXTRACT Tunisia: Update. The Tunisian army fired into the air to disperse protesters from the headquarters of former President Ben Ali’s Constitutional Democratic Rally (CDR) in Tunis. The CDR has been disbanded but some demonstrators want the building razed. The state of emergency remains in effect. The interim government met for the first time …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Egypt Dictator-Domino Falling?

Egypt: A spokesman for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood announced that the group is making five urgent demands which the Egyptian government should comply with in order to avert several crises, according to a 19 January posting on the Muslim Brotherhood website. Muhammad Mursi said the group wants Cairo to revoke the state of emergency, dissolve the …