Mongoose: Tulsi Who? Is Gabbard a Total Manchurian Candidate and Replacement for Obama?

Alert Reader writes in: Tulsi Gabbard is certifiable other 0bumma, allegedly from same place, but with phantom childhood, as with 44.   but she being under cover “home school” control, and not unlike Michey 0bumma, there are no record of her youth, nor a friend.   She appears to be 100% controlled asset and not unlike that …

Robert Steele: John Brennan & John McLaughlin Openly Engaged in Sedition, a Felony, Why Are They Not Under Indictment?

I find the below headline, with related online proofs of sedition, to be quite remarkable.  Why are John Brennan and John McLaughlin not under indictment? “Thank God For The Deep State”: Intel Traitors Admit They Want to ‘Take Out’ Trump Sedition usually involves actually conspiring to disrupt the legal operation of the government and is …

Worth a Look: Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us

WARNING NOTICE: All emails seeking to advertise this book are being automatically put into spam buckets — Google, particularly, is proving the author’s point. This is not the serious book we expected hiim to write, with substantive views on threats, policies, and costs. This is more of a light coffee table book that speaks to …

Mongoose: Google Evil Exposed — Censorship, Deplatforming, Mind Control …

Don’t be evil: whistleblower Zach Vorhies breaks down how Google set out to literally program our minds Google is now a weaponized mind control tool that spreads disinformation while censoring the truth. “Google is undertaking to re-program the world according to their disingenuous application of ‘Social Justice,’”writes Alexandra Bruce, Publisher of ForbiddenKnowledge in a recent …