Berto Jongman: Google’s Impact on War

Bullets, Bombs and Ice Cream: The Unintended Consequences of Google Earth’s New Cartographic World Google Earth offers unprecedented public access to satellite material that was once the exclusive preserve of the state. One obvious if unintended consequence of this service, writes Nicholas Kaempffer, is that insurgents and extremists now use satellite imagery to plot and …

Tom Atlee: Surveillance and parasitism harm society’s collective intelligence

Surveillance and parasitism harm society’s collective intelligence What this post is about:  Society’s collective intelligence needs to be able to see clearly what’s going on and take action about it.  Both NSA surveillance and corporate suppression of activism interfere with that vital dynamic.  This post clarifies what’s going on in these dynamics and suggests strategies …

James Stavrides: Interview on Smart Power by Oliver Barrett

Talking ‘Smart Power’ With Admiral Stavridis By Oliver Barrett US News & World Report, July 25, 2013 With one-liners like, “We are excellent at launching Tomahawk missiles; we need to get better at launching ideas,” it is not hard to appreciate why The New York Times labeled recently retired Admiral James Stavridis a “Renaissance admiral.” Labels like “innovator” …

Marcus Aurelius: Snowden NSA Revelations Piss Off Rest of Government As They Realize What They Have NOT Been Getting From NSA or CIA

Who would have thought — tragic farce aka absurdist theater? Other Agencies Clamor For Data N.S.A. Compiles By Eric Lichtblau and Michael S. Schmidt New York Times, August 4, 2013 , Pg. 1 WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency’s dominant role as the nation’s spy warehouse has spurred frequent tensions and turf fights with other …

Search: NATO SOCOM Open Source Agency

This is an emerging possibility.  Below is the original but newly revised link on the Open Source Agency.  Central to the revision is the growing understanding within NATO, SOCOM, and AFRICOM that “traditional” C2 (proprietary) and “traditional” intelligence (secret) are Dead on Arrival (DOA).  The new meme within official circles is Alternative C2 and Alternative …