Marcus Aurelius: Leon Panetta Prances Around the Truth–Congress Goes Along with Blatant Misrepresentations

I urge that you reject SECDEF’s assertions; also urge that you contact your Congressional delegations and ask them to also reject what SECDEF is saying. Panetta ties TRICARE fee increases to maintaining key programs, personnel By Bob Brewin 04/16/2012 At a Pentagon press briefing on Monday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said congressional tinkering with the $613 …

Berto Jongman: Overview of Hacktivism and Anonymous as Influence

Anonymous unmasked: The collective’s disruptive influence By CATHERINE SOLYOM The Gazette, 31 March 2012 Hack the planet – save the world. That’s become the rallying cry of an army of keyboard warriors known as Anonymous, which in the last 18 months has targeted everyone from the Tunisian government to the Boston police, the Vatican to …

Search: linking the split brain theory and jungian epistemological balance to architectural pedagogy

This is really fascinating because since these Salama graphics were posted, there have been many more explorations of the merger of neuroscience, psychology, and how we design and structure everything else.  Imagine the most gifted artists in the world locked inside a lunatic asylum.  That is us today.  We can do better. Better search:  Graphic: …

DefDog: NASA lost ‘full control’ to hackers, pwned 13 times last year

NASA lost ‘full control’ to hackers, pwned 13 times last year Houston still has a problem with security By John Leyden The Register, 5 March 2012 Cybercrooks broke into NASA’s computer systems 13 times last year gaining “full functional control” of important systems in the worse cases, according to the testimony before the US Congress …