Reference: M4IS2 OSINT UN NATO Search List Alpha

Search History List (* Denotes Substantive Post Not Replicated in List of 611 Items) Search (3): time wheel intelligence, clean sheet analytics, quotations on truth Search: “best practices” and “osint training” Search: “the central problem of our time” Steele Search: “the invention of peace” summary Search: 1000 Ship Navy Search: 20 global problems to solve …

1995 National Information Strategy 101 Presentation to CENDI/COSPO*

NATIONAL INFORMATION STRATEGY: CENDI & COSPO AS CATALYSTS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS Introduction Open Source Roots–Copeland Anecdote Informing the Consumer or Collecting Secrets? 90% of Consumer’s Input Unclassified & Unanalyzed (Congress, White House, Bureaucracy, Foreign Governments, Lobbyists, Think Tanks, Media, Friends–<10% Intelligence) 40-80% of Producer’s Input from Open Sources–Allen Dulles New Threats/Environments Lend …