Mini-Me: Breaking — Israel Behind Libyan and Egyptian Mobs & Death of US Ambassador, 2 Marines, and 1 Other? CIA Asset Terry Jones, Romney Funders?

Huh? Embassy Killings in Libya, the Stench of CIA/Mossad “False Flag” Real Intelligence Reports at Total Odds with Reported News Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today, 13 September 2012 ———- Investigations by me, published yesterday on Press TV’s website, cited “Reverand” and “Doctor” Terry Jones as the source of the videos cited for instigating violence …

Robert Steele: Audio of SPY IMPROV at Hackers on Planet Earth

Several HOPES ago, Robert Steele started doing separate Q&A sessions using his knowledge as a former spy, pioneer of open source intelligence, advocate of multinational sense-making, and #1 Amazon reviewer for nonfiction. At The Next HOPE (2010), with help from those who stayed with him, he set what may be the world record for Q&A, …

Breaking News: Israel False Flag Attacks (Bulgaria & Madame Clinton Done, Olympics False Flag Planned)

Breaking/Confirmed: Sec Clinton Assassination Attempt in Israel (Updated) Al-Alam and Reuters Report Hillary Clinton Convoy Attack in Israel By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today, 19 July 2012 Israeli radio and Reuters broke the story then went mysteriously silent, an assassination attempt inside Israel, on Secretary of State Clinton.  Soon afterward, Iran’s national network, al …

Reference: NUCLEAR FAMINE – A BILLION PEOPLE AT RISK Global Impacts of Limited Nuclear War on Agriculture, Food Supplies, and Human Nutrition + Eugenics RECAP

NUCLEAR FAMINE: A BILLION PEOPLE AT RISK Global Impacts of Limited Nuclear War on Agriculture, Food Supplies, and Human Nutrition Ira Helfand, MD International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Physicians for Social Responsibility Credits and Acknowledgements The publication of this briefing paper was made possible thanks to the generous financial support of the …

Penguin: US/UK Perpetuate Soviet False Flag Model + Meta-RECAP

Phillip Knightley: When is a terror threat not a terror threat? Let’s ask a man called Felix… All intelligence services rely on convincing the public there is a monster at large waiting to grab them The British undercover agent in the underpants bomb plot that has emerged so sensationally in recent days, was recruited using …